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Why I'm a Super Swim Hero


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My story

Share your story

Let your friends and family know why you're doing the Super Swim challenge, they'll enjoy reading about your experience. Plus, people who feel connected with your journey, will be more likely to donate!

About Super Swim

Super Swim Mick Fanning

The Super Swim challenge is for all ages, and at any location across Australia. Challengers can choose their own distance and fundraising goal, and can participate as an individual, or as part of a team. It's your challenge, so dive in your way!

About Starlight

Super Swimmer Jack

Starlight's mission is "To brighten the lives of seriously ill children and their families". When a once-bright life is dulled by needles, hospital visits and painful treatments, Starlight helps sick kids forget they're sick for a while and re-discover the joy of childhood.